
i adore him so much!

yoo semua liat judul diatas jangan mikir dulu kalo gue udah naksir cowo baru lagi (baca kasusnya di postingan sebelumnya), bukan. bukan itu. hehe tapi postingan gue kali ini saya dedikasikan khusus untuk my lovely idol nichkhun! (ckck dikirain siape dew -.-) hold on, jangan pergi dulu ye para pembaca hehe gue tau ga semua orang demen artis-artis korea begini. tapi tetep aja gue suka! -.- doi punya nama lengkap nichkhun buck horvejckul, lahir tanggal 6juni1988. nah doi ini bukan orang korea asli melainkan Thailand! yep he's Thai but he got Korean look! doi lahir dan menghabiskan masa kecilnya disana tapi sempet sekolah di New Zealand terus lanjut kuliah di Los Osos University, Amerika Serikat.     kok lo tau dew? yaiyalah eke kan penggemar berat boo! hehe nah idola gue yg ganteng ini sekarang gabung di salah satu boyband korea, 2PM (gue juga hottest, sebutan untuk penggemar boyband ini) doi jadi salah satu rapper di 2PM bareng Taecyon. *ceritain dong dew kenapa lo demen sama ni cowo?
oke begini ceritanya, waktu awal tahun 2010 kemaren gue dikasih tau acara reality show korea We Got Married sama temen gue, arini (temen gue ini penggemar berat Lee Min Ho) nah disitu gue liat kegantengan yang maha dahsyat seorang pria bernama nichkhun ini (oke, cukup dew lebaynya, ntar malah pada enek haha) di acara ini doi dipasangin sama leader f(x) victoria. and you know what? sekarang gue jadi keranjingan ngikutin acara itu demi si aa nichkhun-ku tersayang hehe. dan gue seneng banget dia dapet pasangan victoria karena doi juga cantik bgt (yah although i'm also jealous of her -.-)
si aa nichkhun-ku tersayang ini punya suara yang lembut bgt men! he got an athletic body, muscular, tall, handsome and good-hearted of course! (astaga ini suami idaman gue bangettt -.- coba aja lo denger lagu-lagunya 2PM such as heartbeat, i can't (ini backsoundnya blog gue) atau lagu yang full doi nyanyiin, Don't Wanna Try ada juga yang versi Thailand, We Become One. wuih! dijamin ngiler!
ohya, i'm also follow him on twitter (@khunnie0624) which is everytime i tweet him, he doesn't ever reply T.T yaiyalah boo artesss getooo.
ok, cukup dulu capcus soal aa ku tersayang ini hehe bisa ga kelar gue ngomong doi mah :p see u guys in the next post :)

Run Devil Run

holahola everybody, i'm back :D (berasa artis banget ya hehe) sebelumnya makasih buat pembaca setia yang selalu ngikutin postingan terbaru di blog gue ini, gamsahamnida :) pastinya udah liat juga postingan terakhir sebelum ini ya (baca : being so blue crying over you) thank you to all my friend who have given me the spirit to get through it all. yes i know this is all not easy to pass but i have to keep moving on without that 'fuckingshitboy' hehe :p yah wajar lah kalo akhir-akhir ini gue jadi agak sedikit melow mendayu-dayu bawaanya mau garuk tanah mulu (baru putus cinta boooo haha) tapi setelah dipikir-pikir lagi gue ga pantes banget mikirin that 'fuckingshitboy'. buat apa? dia juga pastinya ga mikirin gue coy. and you know? five days ago he called me and he said that he want me back! can you imagine that?! hey just go to HELL, boy! sori ye hidup gue terlalu indah buat mikirin lo doang, kiss my ass for you.
to facilitate the process of 'killing' him, i'm giving back all the goods from him. i throw all the things that can make me remember him. i remove his number from my cellphone. i remove him from my friend list on my facebook and my twitter. hopefully he will realize his mistake. AMEN. nah buat lo yang pernah ngerasain patah hati pastinya denger musik mulu kan buat ngalihin pikiran lo? (apa? engga? oh ya berarti gue doang :p) so berhubung gue ini pecinta korea, jadilah gue dengerin lagu-lagu korea. yeah! gue pikir lagu dari SNSD yang berjudul Run Devil Run ini beraroma (kue kalee dew -.- ) 'gue banget' . cuman berhubung gue tau pembaca setia gue ga semuanya ngerti bahasa korea (huuu belagu lo dew *ditimpukin) jadi gue tulis english translatenya aja ya. so check it out
Behave. You’re too much of a bad boy.
You’re too curious.
I was cheated on at that time,
all because of you.
No fun, no manners.
You, devil, devil, you, you.
You changed one letter (one letter)
of all the girls’ names
in your cellphone.
I can smell the abundance of perfume on you.
Explain to me, (explain to me), who’s it is.
(Hey) That habit, of you meeting girls
without me knowing, still didn’t go away?
Even if you run, it’s obvious.
You better run, run, run, run, run.
I won’t give in, I’ll just kick you.
You better run, run, run, run, run.
Even if you beg me not to leave, I don’t care anymore.
(Hey) I’ll come back even better
and i’ll get revenge. Don’t forget it.
You better run, run, run, run, run.
You’re caught, and i’m angry.
Run, devil, devil, run, run.
Even next to me,
you’re with another girl.
When i’m not here, (not here)
you’re a super playboy.
Raise your chin, and respond to me.
There’s no one else like me, anywhere.
You made a mistake.
I’m so much better than all of those other girls.
What do you want to do with all that? Do you think you’re that great?
Didn’t I tell you not to play around?
Didn’t I tell you to be good to me until I stopped loving you?
You better run, run, run, run, run.
I won’t give in, I’ll just kick you.
You better run, run, run, run, run.
Even if you beg me not to leave, I don’t care anymore.
(Hey) I’ll come back even better
and i’ll get revenge. Don’t forget it.
You better run, run, run, run, run.
There’s so many guys in this world,
so it doesn’t matter if you’re not there.
Until the day I find a boy that only cares for me,
I’ll wait by myself.
see? gue banget kan hahahaha (narsis abis) jadi intinya gue cuma mau ngebacot sok bijak dikit dari pengalaman gue ini, don't ever feel that you yourself is not important, because everyone is entitled get the best of our life, including getting a good pair. so tell yourself that i was beautiful and precious! and deserve the best, of course :)

being so blue crying over you

hey boy if you read this, i hope you realize that you're sooooooooooooooo DUMB to leave a beautiful woman like me. why i said that? because you AFFAIR with another woman named Reydhita. i finally made the decision made to end our relationship. its so hurt me you know. I think you regret it but it didn't, you still in touch even flirting with other woman. Arilya Fitri, Firda, Astri, Vina. who else? i also don't even know if there were any other woman. YOU HAD PROMISED TO TURN INTO A BETTER MAN. in fact, YOU HAVEN'T CHANGED. YOU AFFAIR WITH MANY WOMEN!

yeah you just promised. promise is promise, and for some people, promise means nothing (but do you know, for others, promise means SOMETHING)
i was shock when you even accusing me and turn me back the real fact. YOU ARE TRULY THE MOST HYPOCRITICAL MAN I'VE EVER KNOWN!!
i don't care if you read this and you feel offended. i don't care if you read this and your spirit to "kill" come up. I REALLY DON'T GIVE A DAMN FUCK ABOUT YOU. i just want you to know, that you're the dumbest man i've ever known IN THIS WORLD. you know, kiss my ass for you.

NOW, i'll make my own new world. forget that dumbass and let you see, you DOESN'T DESERVE ME.
and together, let us wait and see you crying for me and regreting for letting me go :)

Thanks for  all the memories you have given for 8 months. Thanks for the lies that had you doing behind me. Thanks because you have betrayed me.
ok now, i want to leave the past and live in the present and think about future. and the last, I pray:
God, please send an angel to protect me and help me to through this. give me strength more than i have now and also send me a great man to be my guardian. And the last God, i ask you, please don't ever let me shed even just one tear for that man anymore. AMIN.
God is fair. LIE WOULD HAVE FOUND OUT. good people can definitely good people, bad people mati aja sonoooo. haha.
Good bye belo.

The song that played while writing this:
*sherina - pergilah kau
*Oneway - a thousand word
*Rihanna - love the way you lie
*D'massiv - manusia tak berharga
*Lily allen - smile
*2PM - without you
*2PM, nichkhun - don't wanna try